Learning Studio at DePaul Art Museum

Imagining a learning platform inside the DePaul Art Museum.

In partnership with artist Jim Duignan, DPAM seeks to explore the state of learning inside the museum. What are our essential experiences with objects? How does our current technological age improve, impede, or alter exchanges between visitor and exhibition?

Throughout 2023–24, the Learning Studio will serve as a space for conversations with our university students alongside artists, teachers, faculty, writers, performers, scholars, and the public to contemplate the adjustments of pacing, access, and engagement inside this museum. Together we will imagine how the exhibition might become a platform for building relationships and sharing knowledge. 

Can you see me? Weinberg Newton Gallery

Speaking at the opening of the exhibition about the 25 year old story from the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center in Chicago and artist and friend Michael Piazza. (Photo J. Pratt)
Customized sewer plinths and on the wall a selection of actual sewer rubbings over the years from youth, local artists, and SkyART artist contributors, and myself. (Photo WNG)

Work Force Development

Portraits by Faith

During the pandemic Stockyard Institute was gifted dozens of fiberglass planters and soil, plants, and labor from Chicago and Back of the Yards businesses. The aesthetic aspect of the project was developed by Lavie Raven and Jim Duignan. Lavie Raven invited local artists to exhibit their style on sets of planters and local business would / are sponsoring the boxes with funds going to the work force development Arts program., a Stockyard Institute and University of Hip Hop collaborative venture. Ellen Shapiro has built the network and connected local business with area police and architectural and design firms as we imagine a student designed playground in 2022.

portable fast pitch

My childhood revolved partially around finding a baseball game often at or around the school yards of Chicago. It was a proving ground for boys and a deep place to wonder in the public. Drawing the rectangular crossed markings of the fast pitch strike zone on any available wall. I was deftly skilled at creating the perfect ‘fast pitch box’ for our baseball crew.
public school drawing board and tape, In the collection of Regin Igloria.


The cart was built by my brother Mike and I from scrap wood in our garage at 4044 W. Waveland with stroller and wagon wheels and a Pepsi box seat. It was the first object we made together these film stills represent a time of childhood where wonder abides and I came to know how I would fundamentally work. circa 1968.